Defending health and safety decisions is about to become easier in the food and beverage industry as the Personal Safety Division of diversified technology company 3M launches its nationwide Wise Choices campaign, a series of parody videos reflecting a poor approach to health and safety.

Famous for portraying Keith in The Office, Ewen Macintosh plays Barry, a lackadaisical Purchasing Manager at a fictional firm, in a series of 10 short videos.

3M developed the video campaign after recognising that health and safety personnel were being challenged on their PPE decisions by other colleagues in their organisation.

Adele Wills from the Personal Safety Division of 3M said: “The Wise Choices campaign is an amusing insight into a character’s flawed knowledge and awareness around the decisions that he is taking that directly impact the health and safety of his workplace. However for many it will also echo comments or opinions that they have heard before when a health and safety manager makes a decision which is not adequately supported by every function within the business.”

To watch the videos and download a free ‘Wise Choices’ pack visit