The requirements from any slicing line will always be to maximise the efficiency from the line and the products to be sliced. This relates to two key areas: yield recovery and capacity.

For many years Weber has been pushing the boundaries of development in the performance of slicing lines, in terms of capacity and in the technology associated with scanning and weighing systems.

These two key factors are now being combined even more closely within the same slicing lines, through the use of proactive scanning technology, in combination with the Weber Vario gripper system. Multi-track scanning, along with fully independent control of each product being sliced, provides a high-capacity solution and irregular shaped products can now be sliced with confidence.

This technology can now be employed on the medium-sized Weber orbital blade machines though to the Involute blade machines and the 905 series machine.

Another relatively new addition to the Weber “Proactive” range is the X-Ray scanning system. This provides significant benefits if products with holes or widely varying fat-to-lean ratios are to be considered.

The Weber Proactive controlled Vario systems are now being widely used across a broad spectrum of the food industry including applications in bacon, cooked meats and cheese.

Tel: 01844 217676

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