Process heating specialists, Lanemark Combustion Engineering – who have a proven track record in the brewing industry – are exhibiting for the first time at this year’s BeerX Exhibition.   The Nuneaton-based company is placing its TX tank heating systems in the spotlight and highlighting a range of performance and cost benefits which are of relevance across the mini- and micro-brewing sectors.

“The industry has long been one of our key markets both in the UK and overseas,” says Lanemark Sales Director, Jeff Foster.  “This has enabled us to develop a comprehensive understanding of the specific needs of beer producers, especially in the heating of brewing coppers and hot liquor tanks.  With each installation we create facilities that not only deliver efficient heating, but which also address other important considerations such as space limitations.”

Lanemark tank heating systems comprise a burner – which can operate with either natural or propane gas – mounted onto the outside of a vessel and firing through the wall into a submerged tubular heat exchanger of between one and a half and six inches nominal bore.   A fan, located at the far end of the tube run, pulls the products of combustion through the system to generate heating of the solution with, typically, in excess of 80% efficiency achieved.

“Because of the circular nature of many vessels used in brewing we have developed a helical coil tube configuration,” continues Jeff Foster.  “This not only helps to optimise heating efficiency but also, importantly, occupies the minimum of space within the vessel itself.”

Lanemark brewing installations can generate heating outputs of between 15kW and 700kW to match exact throughput needs which makes them suitable for brewing facilities of between 5 and 80 UK barrels (8 – 130 hectolitres).  In all cases, the ability of the company’s systems to provide excellent control is vital as it helps to create and maintain a rolling boil temperature to suit the brewing process.

“We are delighted to be able to bring our technology – which can be shown to offer important advantages against alternative heating methods such as electricity or steam – directly to the brewing sector at the show,” adds Jeff Foster, “and invite all visitors to the exhibition to our stand, number 139, to discuss their own precise process heating needs.”

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