Testo’s quality contribution to food safety January 26, 2013 News The Testo 104-IR Thermometer allows food temperature to be measured quickly and easily to help guarantee food safety. The thermometer allows non-contact measurement with an infrared sensor and contact measureme...
NEW WiFi Temperature Monitoring Sensors January 26, 2013 News An Out-Of-The-Box Wireless Network Solution From £89.95 + VAT With audible alarm indicators and WiFi capabilities, the EL-WiFi range are the perfect ultra compact, temperature and humidity monitoring devi...
Packaging Automation helps create new opportunities for Beacon Foods with pot filling line January 26, 2013 News When Edward Gough MD at Beacon Foods, the UK’s leading specialist producer of roasted and char grilled vegetables and fruit ranges, relishes, chutneys and sauces saw an opportunity for new business openings he ...
MURROUGH’S WELSH BREW TEA January 26, 2013 News Murrough’s Welsh Brew Tea is the only major tea brand to be exclusively packed and blended for the principality of Wales. The superior blend of quality African and Indian teas are specifically chosen to complim...
New research on consumer packaging concerns January 25, 2013 News The difficulties in opening different types of packs are of far greater concern to most consumers than environmental criticisms such as perceived over-packaging. This is one of the findings of a major quanti...
HYGIENE GROUP RE-LAUNCHES MOBILE TEAMS January 25, 2013 News Hygiene Group, the specialist contract cleaning services provider, has re-launched its network of mobile cleaning teams with a new name, new kit, and improved service offering. The mobile teams carry out sho...