HORSEMEAT SCANDAL SHOULD HAVE BEEN PICKED UP IN UK – UNISON January 18, 2013 News Proper government investment in trading standards and meat hygiene services could have meant the horsemeat burger scandal was picked up in the UK rather than relying on the Irish authorities UNISON said today. ...
Sustainable solutions from Nicholl January 15, 2013 News A number of new products demonstrating their sustainability credentials will be unveiled by food packaging specialist Nicholl Food Packaging at the easyFairs Ecopack exhibition at the NEC in February. Nichol...
Chef William gets a facelift for the New Year! January 7, 2013 News The Chef William range has been servicing Chefs and catering establishments around the country and overseas for over twenty years. 2013 sees a re-launch of the brand with new and enhanced packaging to reflect o...
Noble Foods gets on board with the BT Levio powered pallet truck January 7, 2013 News The BT Levio LWE130 powered pallet truck with onboard charging from Toyota was the ideal choice for Noble's fleet of lorries. Noble Foods and Toyota Material Handling UK have a long-standing relationship, de...
Leading the hand pallet truck revolution January 7, 2013 News The BT Lifter hand pallet truck range from Toyota Material Handling is evolving to meet changing operational needs, particularly within the retail sector. Toyota offers three unique hand pallet trucks: the BT P...
Bruker’s Game-Changing EVOQ Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer January 7, 2013 News The recently launched Bruker EVOQ Qube™, a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS), operated in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode has been developed with the capability for detecting and...