New products from Jules & Sharpie October 4, 2012 News When jules & sharpie began in 2002, chillies were treated with caution or alarm. Ten years on, most people are accustomed to spicy food and hot sauces so jules & sharpie have re-introduced their yellow ...
Denny Bros adds a ‘hook’ to Saucy Fish Co promo October 4, 2012 News A fresh approach to a ‘Try Me Free’ promotion is now offering an extra tasty treat for shoppers Denny Bros has been working in partnership with Leicestershire-based Hive - leaders in unique code marketing - ...
WHY BUY PLASTIC PALLETS, CRATES & BOXES WHEN YOU CAN RENT? October 4, 2012 News As more companies work towards reducing their carbon footprint by replacing wood, cardboard and polystyrene products with a range of long life plastic returnable transit products (RTP), they have to decide whet...
LORIEN ENERGY INDEX, Q2 2012 RESULTS ANNOUNCED October 4, 2012 News Burton-based Lorien Engineering Solutions has released the Lorien Energy Index (LEI) data for the first six months of 2012; finishing Q2 at 4.28, down 2.7% from 4.40 in Q1, with an underlying upwards trend that...
Halal Certification for Redwood October 4, 2012 News Sixty vegetarian and vegan friendly foods produced by award winning ethical food firm The Redwood Wholefood Company have been certified halal by the European Halal Development Agency (EHDA). It is believed t...
Jumeirah franchise expansion October 4, 2012 News Jumeirah Restaurants LLC, the branded restaurant division of Jumeirah Group, has signed two franchise agreements that will see Urbano, its Italian restaurant concept that is at Souk Al Bahar in Dubai, open in K...