Hilton Foods Ireland to Deploy LINKFresh February 22, 2012 News Anglia Business Solutions has announced that its Microsoft Dynamics based LINKFresh food supply chain management solution is to be deployed at Hilton Foods Ireland, one of the Hilton Food Group plc sites, (mor...
SERVICES TO THE FOOD AND DRINK INDUSTRY February 22, 2012 News SAL laboratories are modern and equipped with state of the art analytical instrumentation, (more…)...
RAYMOND BLANC OBE IS HONOURED WITH ‘HALL OF FAME’ LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD AT HOTELYMPIA 2012 February 20, 2012 News Raymond Blanc OBE is to be honoured for his lengthy and succesful culinary career with the presentation of a prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award at Hotelympia on Monday 27th February. (more…)...
STARBURST MILKSHAKE RETURNS TO THE UK February 17, 2012 News Mars Chocolate Drinks and Treats (MCD&T) is re-introducing STARBURST to its popular milk drink range (more…)...
Flowcrete UK Gears Up For Foodex February 16, 2012 News Flowcrete UK will be demonstrating its fresh approach to flooring within the food and drink industry at Foodex 2012. (more…)...
Spirax Sarco offers expertise on new boiler guidance February 16, 2012 News Spirax Sarco has launched a new online compliance webpage to help customers with the arrival of both the Guidance (more…)...