
Converting with a Difference

In today's ‘get-it-done-yesterday’business environment you have to act with insight and work with passion to get the job done quickly (more…)...

A Range of Sweets to Jar the Memory!

I remember as a child going into the local corner shop and wondering at all the glass jars filled with sweets of every imaginable colour and flavour and thinking how many I could buy for my pocket money! (more...

Chocolate Haute Couture

Nestlé has created a new luxury brand that delivers fresh chocolates, tailor-made for individual tastes. (more…)...

Harford Train a real Crowd Puller at PPMA

Harford’s ‘production line’ train proved a real crowd puller at this year’s PPMA Show. The train simulation was a fun way to show how Harford’s fully integrated, (more…)...