
Further Investment

Blakeman's have in order to maintain their position in the marketplace of ready meal components, invested a further  £250,000 in new plant to ensure continuity of supply to customers. A new thermal oil cooki...


A leading UK bakery has called upon the international skills of compliance experts at Lorien Engineering Solutions to complete a multi million pound development. Cheshire-based family bakery Frank Roberts &a...

Sheer Heaven on Earth!

What an amazing name for a wholesaling operation and yet, when you think about it, what could be more suitable for a company that is bringing such a wide range of delightful products to the UK market! The co...

Eurofins Acquires the House of Lancaster

Eurofins Scientific was founded in 1987 with 10 employees to market the SNIF-NMR technology.   A patented analytical method used to verify the origin and purity of several types of food and bevera...

Award-Winning Craft Bakery

Established in 1993 when the founders, husband and wife team Colin and Karen McArthur, saw a niche for an outlet that could provide local consumers with a daily fresh traditional bakery range, Ashers Bakery Com...

The Artisanship of the Master Baker

When you compare the taste, texture, flavour and freshness of bread made by a master craftsman and then compare it with that of the standard mass-produced offerings from large companies, you quite quickly recog...