
Don’t Just Please it – Cheese It!

An unusual title maybe but ‘Cheese it’ is the name of a new product about to be launched by Ireland’s leading producer of innovative cheese ingredients for the food industry, Ingredient Solutions. Formed in 200...

Superior Taste, Superior Service

When Jeffers Home Bakery first opened its doors for business, Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarves was the hot new cinema release and Pablo Picasso had just finished his masterpiece, Guernica. The ...

Family Dairy Bringing Home the Milk in East Lothian

Yester Farm Dairies is a family-owned dairy that is one of a handful left in Scotland to sell milk that is produced, pasteurised and packaged on site. The business is based at the McCreery family farm near Had...

The Dairy that’s Bullish About its Future!

A commonly held belief is that doorstep deliveries of milk and the demand for milk-based products are declining, due in the main to competitive prices in the Supermarkets. One dairy that is strongly bucking ...

No Yoghurt and No Lumpy Bits!

Prepared with all-natural ingredients, Frumoo is a truly unique product; a smoothie that is ... well ... smoother than all of the others! That’s because it is made using only the finest British fruit and mil...

It’s Nice to Have a Choice

I recently came across a wonderful place to dine in my hometown of Birmingham, Edmunds Restaurant in Brindley Place, the second city’s capital of culture, boasting water fountains, cafés, hotels, art galleries,...